Using CADdrawing.agent you don’t need to worry about layers, colours, line thickness and types, the program does it all by itself. You just select the element you wish to draw and the program creates all necessary layers, colours, line thickness and types on the basis of previously defined base.
Standard single polyline is used for drawing and the program changes it consequently into necessary visual shape, adds colour, thickness and type, and draws single and multiple (double, triple) polylines or closed polylines/polygons. Multiple lines are accessible in all colour, thickness, type and distance combinations.
Apart from predefined data, CADdrawing.agent offers you to additionally define, create and change graphic and attribute data you intend to draw. Consequent drawing customization is completely supported, so after you change certain settings, program automatically refreshes already drawn graphic objects (colours, linetypes, attributes etc).
In addition to drawing itself, CADdrawing.agent can independently draw attribute blocks and hatches into closed polylines/polygons (thousands of polygons with no limit [20.000-polygon test was completed in 20 seconds]).
Use your existing dwg drawings. CADdrawing.agent transfers and updates them into graphic objects automatically using advanced algorithms. Transfer can be carried out at the level of single element/object, group, layer and even entire drawing.
New elements/objects are still standard AutoCAD polylines, hatches and blocks updated with additional information from the database or data created by the user himself. During automatized import of entire layers, tools for imported and unimported elements analysis are available, as well as tools for search of problematic elements and removal of their deficiencies.
During import of elements, CADdrawing.agent conducts an analysis if the processed elements meet all required standards, e.g. whether the elements are polylines, whether polylines are closed so hatches can be drawn inside, as well as whether neighbouring polylines overlap and thereby two different purposes define same space.
CADdrawing.agent takes care of drawing scale and adapts the graphics to visual standard of that scale.
CADdrawing.agent uses exclusively standard AutoCAD element types (polylines and blocks), and linetypes which come with AutoCAD program. Linetypes which you install/use of your own accord can be put to use as well.
Graphics resulting from the use of this program is updated by specific information which raises standard graphic elements to the level of "object". These objects thus carry information needed for use of advanced functionalities which the program brings.
CADdrawing.agent has its own user interface within AutoCAD graphic environment. The interface is visually attractive and simple to use. The program draws all predefined graphic elements of the interface from its database which in its turn can easily be customized to client’s demand.
Database is filled with all necessary graphic and data information like layers, colours, line thickness and types, distances between polylines, attribute data necessary for marking on the graphics, and alphanumeric data which can later be used for automatized creation of legend, as well as export into geographic information system (GIS).
CADdrawing.agent enables automatic transfer of graphic objects of CAD drawings, entire contents or selected sections, into open source exchange GML format. This allows simple and standardized transfer of graphic contents between various CAD solutions of any operational system, as well as simple data transfer into any geographic information system (GIS).
CADdrawing.agent also allows an automatized data transfer from the open source exchange GML database, on the basis of which it creates graphic objects in the CAD drawing.